Miranda Hart is a British comedy legend, actor and national treasure. Her masterful sitcom, eponymously titled, is an ode to the joy and value of discovering, embracing and celebrating one’s …
Please self-improve responsibly
Have you gratitude journalled today? What about the frog – you ate the frog, right? And how’s your productivity; it better be at least 150% what it was last week. …
We need to start holding our own sides to account
Does it ever seem like the world is just getting worse? Maybe that’s a misconception – perhaps when you go on social media and are surrounded by anger, where people …
Writing…just for the hell of it
The other day I was playing with my daughter. She had instructed me to help her lay some Paw Patrol playing cards in a path across the house. I have …
6 rules for having a good argument
I’ve talked before about why it’s important to be able to argue your case effectively. I didn’t get around to how, in my mind at least, you should go about …
Relax, you don’t HAVE to change, actually
Places like Medium are a recovering perfectionist’s worst nightmare. Here I am trying to train myself out of absolutes and all-or-nothing thinking, only to be told by headline after headline …
No one cares. And that’s good.
One interesting, not to mention ironic, thing about low self-esteem and anxiety is that it’s possible to think you’re more worthless than a fax machine in a penguin enclosure and …
How to have a good argument
The internet has many uses, but there is undeniably a group of people who go online as a way to find a disagreement, in the same way some people go …
Protect your drive to create at all costs
Trying to write a book? Well I hope you’re not committing any of the writing sins on this list as long as my leg. And I trust you’ve remembered the …
A simple game to show why you shouldn’t fear failure
The fearful parts of our brains are on overdrive. They constantly scan for danger, working harder than an insomniac CEO on a caffeine kick. There is, after all, plenty in …